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Hudson United Soccer Club

Hudson United Soccer Club

Parents Code of Conduct

HUSC Parents Code of Conduct

The role that parents play in the life of a soccer player has a tremendous impact on their experience.  With this in mind, we have some helpful reminders for all of us as we approach the upcoming season. If you should have any questions, please feel free to discuss it with us, the Coaches.

1. Leave the coaching to the coaches! This includes motivating, psyching your child for practice, after game critiquing, setting goals, requiring additional training, etc.  You have entrusted the care of your player to these coaches and they need to be free to do their job. If a player has too many coaches, it is confusing for them, and their performance usually declines.  Remember that our coaches are volunteers – giving of their personal time and money to provide a recreational activity for your child. They often provide this valuable service without reward other than their personal satisfaction.  Without them, your child could not participate.

2. Support the program: Get involved. Volunteer. Help out with fundraisers, car-pool, anything to support the program.

3. Be your child’s best fan! Support your child unconditionally.  Do not withdraw your support when your child performs poorly. Your child should never have to perform to win your love.

4. Support and root for all players on the team: Foster teamwork.  Your child’s teammates are not the enemy. When they are playing better than your child, your child now has a wonderful opportunity to learn.

5. Do not bribe or offer incentives: Your job is not to motivate.  Leave this to the coaching staff. Bribes will distract your child from properly concentrating in practice and game situations.

6. Encourage your child to talk with the coaches: If your child is having difficulties in practice or games, or can’t make a practice, etc., encourage them to speak directly to the coaches.  This “responsibility taking” is a big part of becoming a big-time player. By handling the off-field tasks, your child is claiming ownership of all aspects of the game – preparation for, as well as playing the game.

7. Understand and display appropriate game behavior: Remember, your child’s self esteem and game performance is at stake.  Be supportive, cheer, and be appropriate.

8. Respect the game, respect the authority of the referee and let the players play.  All referees follow the same creed to watch every movement of every player, and to call the game to the best of their ability.  DO NOT openly question the judgment or honesty of the referee. They are a symbol of fair play, integrity, and sportsmanship.

9. Accept the results of each game, and encourage your child to: Be gracious in victory, and turn defeat into victory by working towards improvement.

10. The 24-Hour Rule: If something feels “unfair” to you, or if you feel frustrated with the coach’s decision about your child’s play time, delay your communication with the coach for at least 24 hours. Waiting this extra time will prevent a possible over-reaction and allow you to clearly communicate your issue with a cool head!


Hudson United Soccer Club
Nick Moreau - President, P.O. Box 44
Hudson, New Hampshire 03051

Email: [email protected]

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